Who we are

The “Grupo de Comunicação Novembro” ( November Communication Group) was created in 2006 in Portugal. This group consists in three brands: the “Editorial Novembro”, the “EdiçõesCãoMenor”, “AV ConteúdosEditoriais” and “WindBalance”.

Apart from the edition of books and documentaries, with national, Portuguese-speaking countries and in some European countries distribution, the “Grupo de ComunicaçãoNovembro” has been conducting events of great social and cultural relevance.

We emphasize the event “Escritaria”, in Penafiel, which honors the greatest Portuguese language alive writers; the event “Plast&Cine”, that in 2015 paid tribute to the painter GraçaMorais, in Bragança; the event “Terra Justa” held in Fafe, which states as an event where social, political and humanitarian values are covered and discussed; and still the FFIL “Freixo Festival Internacional de Literatura” ( Freixo International Literature Festival).

In 2013 in partnership with the Green Cross International institution, whose founder is Mikhail Gorbachev, we participate in the celebration of 20 years of existence of this NGO, held on September 2nd and 3rd at the United Nations Palace and International Conference Centre Geneva.
We were also responsible, in this context, by the graphic design of the exhibition that was on display to the public in July at the Quai Wilson

In 2015, this partnership has been renewed with our participation and graphic design in the exhibition “The Future We Want”, once more displayed to the public at the Quai Wilson.
With skills in the areas of production and film editing, multimedia, design, edition of books, communication and press consulting, we develop projects with enterprises, local authorities and universities.


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